Message from the President


As always we would like to start by thanking you all for your continued support.

Soshin Electric has been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange since December 2000, but we delisted and transitioned to a new structure with Kamaya Electric Co., Ltd. as our parent company from July 2024.

For 84 years Since its establishment, the Company has been providing capacitors, filters, circuit components, etc. to the market. These have been used in a wide range of fields, from a variety of electrical infrastructure and industrial devices to the terminal devices of individuals. Going forward into the future, we are thinking in the following way about the objectives and meaning of existence for which the Company should aim.

"Making a world without unnecessary noise"

At a time when the world in changing toward the realization of carbon neutral by 2050, the importance of electrical energy is growing, and its efficient transmission and use is required. On the other hand, the transmission of electrical energy is inevitably accompanied by noise. The Company's products and services are used to eliminate this noise. Going forward, the Company will continue to support the realization of more efficient electrical energy transmission and to contribute to the building of a carbon-neutral world through solutions for "Making a world without unnecessary noise."

In the new structure, we will further deepen our collaboration with Kamaya Electric and WALSIN TECHNOLOGY CORPORTION and our utilization of their resources to deliver the solutions of the Company to our customers around the world "more broadly, more often, and more quickly".

We look forward to receiving your continued support and encouragement.

Masahiko Sugiyama
Masahiko Sugiyama